Almost there... (6.14.18)
I'm almost there. Not really! As a team of one artist, I'm never really there.
When I tell people I'm a full-time artist, a popular response has been that must be great (or something like that). Truth is it is my dream life and also a non-stop, challenging stream of doing.
When I've looked at my website lately, I cringe because I have a bunch of artwork that hasn't even made it onto the site yet... for many reasons. (Been a backup of blog posts too. But, those have mostly been written/shared - this round, anyway!)
Glass is more complicated to document than paintings ever were. (I'm better than I used to be:) Also, glass is time consuming process - one I've grown to love. But, this means longer lead times... (Follow me on Instagram to stay up to date.)
Another fun reason is I'm starting a line of glass jewelry. I am keeping this venture more behind the scenes - for now - making prototypes, talking to handful of clients, and working on business.
My basic view the last three days... LOTS of laptop work. (Gratifying to complete, but exhausting.)
The truth is there are seasons when I have to do a lot of writing, pitching, editing, and researching in between studio time and all the other life stuff we all must deal with... if I want new gigs/making money other ways in the future.
While I do love the business end of art, I am like most artists in that I'd RATHER be creating (or at least having my assistant complete the writing for an upcoming application:). Don't have an assistant yet, but planning for it in the next year!!
Although I've been self employed since June 2006, and I am strong in the business of art skills, for years I was like the cobbler with no shoes. I made money helping other creatives with events and their business stuff, but was haphazard, at best, with my own business practice!!
This started changing several years ago. Still not easy. It is a long, ongoing process. However, my marketing and business pieces are a better package - and, best of all, it's beginning to pay off!
Recently, my resume got an overhaul. Created new categories, and deleted irrelevant lines.
Opportunities are seasonal. Application rounds tend to come in groups. And, sometimes, artists must stop everything to take care of brand new thing - like new/potential client.
My last few years have been a time of lots and lots of rejections. These forced me to double down and tweak my applications, materials, and think more clearly (& pray:) about where I want to be.
Still getting regular rejections, but, in the last year been hearing YES, and even maybe (you made it to the short list or waiting list:)... More on these things in the near future.
For rest of the week, this is where I'll be... in the office, on the laptop, making big plans for future and finally getting my "new" glass on the website:)