Soft Whispers [Wall mounted] *SOLD through McColl Center*

Soft Whispers [Wall mounted] *SOLD through McColl Center*
This new water glass, wall-mounted piece, Soft Whispers, was SOLD during October 2020 McColl Center for Art + Innovation fundraiser! [Three lighter pics by Mitchell Kearney Photography.]
Created with Bullseye Glass & Hang Your Glass hardware. The overall area is 24”x20” with individual rounds ranging from 8.5” to 4.25” in diameter, by varying depths from the wall. 2020. $1025**
“Soft Whispers” is a further move into a more subtle water glass. Like the state of life many of us find ourselves in these COVID-19 days, at a glance, things look/seem one way. Yet, in real life, there’s much more depth and soft details. This glass has layers of iridescent — almost clear or maybe blue — glass… all on top of a milky opaline.
— Carmella Jarvi, September 2020
**Note: Special price to support McColl Center. Normally $1375.
All proceeds of McColl Center Benefit Art Sale support MCAI & the artists!